Participant Chronicle

Paige Wadsworth – Success Strategies for Team Leaders and Supervisors

Attending the fortnightly sessions with my fellow participants from varying organisations created a fun, diverse, and interactive learning environment.

I had been exploring course options for some time when my Employer nominated me to enroll in LMA’s Success Strategies for Team Leaders & Supervisors course. The content looked great, and the ability to attend interactive workshops during work hours was a nice bonus, so I just went for it!

Going into the course, I was open to achieving personal growth in my work and personal life. To become more open-minded to other people’s opinions, personalities, and motives. I ultimately wanted to learn how to become a better leader now and in the future. I also used LMA’s win/win goal planning process to become more confident in our products to support customer needs better and improve sales revenue.

Throughout the journey, I learned that you must look after your own personal well-being before you can help your team strive. Delegation was a huge learning curve for me, a valuable skill I now use to maximise team performance and ensure I consistently focus on my high-payoff activities. Attending the fortnightly sessions with my fellow participants from varying organisations created a fun, diverse, and interactive learning environment, which challenged us to not only explore how to become better leaders, but it also made us accountable to act and achieve our goals.

Having graduated, I have a great sense of accomplishment, which I haven’t felt for a long time. I am more confident in my role at work and will continue to grow with the company. I would happily recommend this course to others. It is a great opportunity to learn while working and gain insight and learning from like-minded people. A great learning tool for current and future leaders to develop new skills, refine current skills, and build a pathway for ongoing career progression.

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