Participant Chronicle

Michele Drinnan – The Performance Edge

The part of the course that had the biggest impact on me was setting, planning and working towards the Win-Win Agreement Goals.

Taking part in The Performance Edge course has not only helped my professional development, it has also helped me tick off a number of goals in my personal life.

Throughout the course you learn strategies on how to maximise your productivity at work which means you can be more available in your personal life. The reading material is really interesting and the weekly workshops and assessments keep you on track and accountable. Also setting weekly personal and business ‘focus goals’ was a great way to stop procrastinating and just get onto things you’ve been ignoring.

The part of the course that had the biggest impact on me was setting, planning and working towards the Win-Win Agreement Goals. This exercise gave me the permission and belief to think big and take on goals that can really impact the performance of the company. I was supported to approach senior management with my ideas and was encouraged to take the lead on these initiatives.
Using the SMART goal planning strategies from the course, I was able to break each Win-Win Agreement Goal down into smaller action steps and really think about target dates and how each step can impact other steps. The course also prepares you for when progress stalls or gets difficult and how to identify road blocks and stay positive during the frustrating periods.

Since completing the course, I have organised a very successful corporate volunteering day at a charity which was very well attended. I was blown away by the response of my colleagues who participated (most of whom I had never met before) and felt humbled to have created such an impact, not only for the charity, but also to the other volunteers. Yes, it was a bit of work to organise the event, but after doing The Performance Edge course I’d developed the tools to ensure it ran smoothly.

More importantly, I had the confidence to take the lead on a company-wide initiative, rather than sit back and wait for opportunities to come to me. I’ve now realised there are a lot more things I want to achieve, so watch this space…

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